Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Hibernation Is Over

That's right, gentle reader, the season of resting is over.  Time to kick it in four wheels, separate the men from the boys... or something like that.

Why the sudden change of heart, you ask?  Why am I not continuing to be a lazy bum-ette who enjoys rice crispy treats, sugary coffee drinks, and fried fish?  Preferably while reclining comfortably watching either Glee or Sons of Anarchy?

Not to worry, I still enjoy those things.  The KenKen you know and love still exists, but now I've gone and done it.

I signed up for a 10k. 

I'm going to die.

The Chasing Snakes 10k, to be precise, in downtown JC (Johnson City, not Jesus Christ {How weird would it be if there was a town named Jesus Christ [I'm sure there is in Mexico]?}).

Anyway, I ran one mile today, according to Nike, and I am too embarrassed to post the time for it.  Even more embarrassing than when I posted I ran a mile in 9 minutes?  Yep, much worse than that.

Inspirational quote of the day: "I feel like I just played in a very tough football game with no hitting above the waist." -Alan Page

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