Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rainbows and Philosophy

I ran a mile last night in 9:26.3. Yay!

I also saw a rainbow. It was very pretty. Click here to watch my reaction.

Francesca called last night: "Do you like running now?" she asks.
"No," I reply. "I still hate it."
"Then why are you doing it?"
I have to ponder this one. I don't know why I'm doing something I hate. I think it is because I hate it a little bit less than the day before.

Here's my philosophy (Philosophy is a waste of time, but even I like to pontificate on matters that transcend the rational, logical, and the real. Um, like, yeah.): I'm not very good at hating things. I just could care less. Mostly, I'm just indifferent. I assure you, as much as I am capable of hating anything, I hated (deliberate use of past tense) running. I'm moving towards indifference. Sweet action!

KendraLynism for the day: "Just how witty do you think I am? I can't come up with an unlimited number of these. Look at the last paragraph. That's about as good as it gets today."

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