Thursday, June 24, 2010

What have I got myself into?!

I've decided to start running.

I hate running.

This is going to be so much FUN! Yeesh. I'm all set to go. I'm all Nike'd up. I've got the iPod, the sensor, and the fugly neon lightweight shoes. Looking at myself objectively, I look hardcore.

Of course, that will change when it takes me 20 minutes to run a mile, and I collapse with exhaustion at the end of it and desire to throw the new ridiculously expensive shoes in the nearest trash receptacle.

KendraLynism for the day- I've heard, "If you never try, you'll never know if you can do it." I say, "If you never try, you'll never look stupid by failing."


  1. YOU ARE HILARIOUS!!!!!! Are you really taking up running??? When I saw this I thought, Kendra has a blog! But then I started reading and I was this kendra? Why the heck are you running? You had so many opportunities to run with me and beth!

  2. Oh p.s. beth has a blog too it's

    And it's so beth! she has a whole post on how unattended children should be shot/thrown in the trash...etc.

  3. I'm so excited about this! You are such an inspiration, K:).

    P.S. I like that you say "fugly"


  4. Sweetie, if you're running, that means you've made a mistake. I'll buy you one of those make-your-own potholder kits!


    P.S. Yes, it says "Mordecai." Never you mind that.
